Friday, May 24, 2013

Eat to Live - Day Three - (Thursday, May 23rd)

Wow!  I woke up feeling amazing - Aside from some very crazy dreams, which included a waitress bringing Beth and I two huge platters of every meat in the world LOL and  which I amazingly turned down in the dream, i feel pretty rested.  Beth said I tossed and turned and used colorful language so who knows but today was great.  My co-worker said her happy Chris was back, and I weighed myself for kicks and lost  3lbs - Woohoo Im back in ONEder land ( A term biggest loser uses when contestants get under 200lbs)  Yesterday was so awful for Beth and I that we both just wanted to go to bed, so we woke up knowing we had to prepare the food for the day, well Beth got up earlier, but I eventually helped.  I made me a breakfast smoothie with banana, flax seed, blueberries, spinach, almond milk and unsweetened pomegranate juice.  It came out pretty thick - probably because the first time I measured the bottom of the blender cup wasn't screwed on right, so when I started the blender all the juices came out making a mess everywhere - i didn't measure a second time, we just put more in eyeballing it.  Dumb blender wouldn't work right either, so it was a chore.  When I got to work I had the smoothie and it was thick - but very good.  I really like what we eat for breakfast!  For lunch I had beans, chives, corn and tomato medley with a side bowl of lettuce - still not finishing it..  I really like the bean mixture.  It took me two hours to finish it -  I have been just grazing on things all day like a cow.  I do get headaches, but they are very very very minor - Im struggling on drinking enough water I did better with that before this change.  On my bus ride homes I am usually so exhausted from the day that I usually nap, but I have more energy than usual.  It normally takes me 1 hour and 15mins to get home, but it took two hours and I didn't even realize it.  Walking into my home after getting home changed my mood though - there were last minute changes that I wasn't thrilled with and to deal with things like that I get quiet to avoid saying the wrong things - so i just sat down and ate my salad and lentil soup very quickly.  They both didn't really have a satisfying taste to them but it wasn't bad either.  After eating I went to floss my teeth because eating salads and vegetables a lot I have found they get stuck in between my teeth so I feel like i have to floss a lot more - oh well there are worst things to have to do

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