Saturday, May 25, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 5 (Saturday, May 25th)

Well today was birthday party day so there is always something to get ready for.  My plan was to wake up early, but that didn't happen.  As the morning progressed and I struggled with finishing the cake, I noticed that I was just in this weird foggy state of mind.  I was loosing things and my motivation was at a super low.  I finally told Beth and she asked me to eat since I hadn't yet -  eating breakfast wasn't always the first thing on my list to do.  I listened and sure enough it had some magical powers on my mental strength. It was very odd to go through that. Anyway as the day progressed, I needed a rope for a pinanta - so I asked Ari to come with me to Home Depot.  We got there and would you believe it?  Today was free hotdogs and water.  I saw a free lunch opportunity and stood in line.  I did get a hot dog, but I got it for one of my other girls, and the guys at Home Depot let me have an extra for Clarissa.  They even gave Ranch Doritos for free. and I didn't eat any of it!  The girls were happy at least.  The party went great -  I ate fruit often, and didn't touch the ice cream, cake or soda.  It's weird I didn't want any of the sweets or the hotdogs, I'm craving food but not any of this. 

Later that evening Beth made these awesome bean enchiladas that were a hit. She served them with a side of cooked asparagus.  It was fantastic - I ate another helping including another helping of asparagus, which i never get another helping of a vegetable.  All in all today went better than I thought it would.  I was sure that the party would make it difficult.  But I had good friends over and it made for a really good day.

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