Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 22 (Tuesday, June 11th)

Tuesdays are our official weigh in days and the results are in -  I dropped another 4 lbs, putting me at a total of 13 lbs.   Beth, now has lost 15.8!  We are pretty excited about the weight loss, but we keep reminding ourselves that we are doing this to get healthier each day by eating nutritiously, and the weight loss is just a by product. Of course I want to loose weight, but what really kicked me into gear is how I felt. So Yay! Feeling and Looking Good - Can't go wrong with that.  Well, I pretty much ate repeats today, so no new food to discuss, but I hear tomorrow we will eat something new - stay tuned.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 21 (Monday, June 10th)

All day today I kept thinking to myself, I officially am halfway through the 6 weeks. I cannot believe I haven't had dairy or meat, and I've eating vegetables none the less. Last summer, I tried forcing myself to eat only vegetables but it really didn't work, I'm not sure why.  This time around - I genuinely like what I'm eating!

Today I had my normal breakfast, and I have discovered something about my breakfast.  At the end I usually leave about 3 spoonfuls and then I'm done. Beth thought maybe I was getting too many blueberries, so today she put less in, but I still leave the same amount.  Well I think it because I run out of the banana slices by then, and it's the banana that brings it all together for me.

Tonight for dinner we had Grilled Veggie Fajitas.  When I walked in the door and Beth told me, "We're having fajitas" - I was puzzled!-  When I think of fajitas, I think of beef or chicken, so maybe another tofu type meal?.  Not this meal - it was actually just the veggies that I always skipped when I ate fajitas.  It was kinda weird, I could actually taste the fajita taste, and this whole time I thought it was the meat that did it for me.  Just simply season your grilled veggies and you get the same effect.  Sorry, I didn't get a picture of them, maybe next time we have them.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 20 (Sunday, June 9th)

It was a pretty busy day -  so busy I only had two meals today.  I'm not sure I'm suppose to do that, but by the time I got done with all the events and things I had to get done.  I was just ready for bed.  I had my usual breakfast and today I thought maybe I should come up with another breakfast choice so I don't wear out this meal, but Im gonna have to wait until the next shopping trip in two weeks.  Today when we went to Beth's parents - I had a fantastic lunch.

 It was a Black Bean Morning Star Burger w a side of natural and vegetarian Quinoa tubula.  On the burger, I had lettuce, mustard, tomatoes, and whole grain "Sandwich Thins" buns and the black bean patty that was bigger that the regular meat patties.  The Quinoa was also very flavorful and was very happy with it.  I can't wait to have it again.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 19 (Saturday, June 8th)

Today, me and the girls had a daddy day.  Since yesterday was National Doughnut Day, I promised the girls for breakfast we go get them doughnuts.  I know it seems strange - here we are on a new way of eating and I'm taking my girls out for sugary treats.  Well Beth and I decided it would be too much for us to try as the whole family.  We haven't quite figured out just how we will approach them, but for now we try to limit the un-nutritional stuff as much as possible.   Sweets are definitely not my thing, so not getting a doughnut wasn't a huge challenge for me.  After doughnuts, we headed to downtown Portland to watch the Rose Parade - we thought we were going to be late but we ended up waiting two hours for it to make it where we were, which was close to the end.  Sometimes the wait was hard cause I wanted to be snacking on what my children were snacking on, and other times were challenging because where we decided to sit was in the food cart area where there were tons of yummy smells.  I swear I smelled chorizo and it just had such a wonderful smell.  The closest food cart we sat by was the Grilled Cheese Grill - it was tough seeing everyone walking by while eating the cheesy goodness.

 I managed and popped out my lunch which was a Strawberry Salad Beth through together on her own.   It had cucumbers, mixed greens, walnuts, rice vinegar, & lemon juice.   I looked pretty funny out there eating a salad, but I knew it was worth the reasons I started this in the first place.  I was tired of having no energy (I have lots).  I was tired of the heartburns and acid reflux (it happen one day for a very short time) - no more stomach cramps and of course the weight loss.  I'm so glad I'm not doing this alone, otherwise it would so much harder!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 18 (Friday, June 7th)

Tofurky!!!  I tried this for the first time.  It was tofu spiced to taste like Italian Sausage.  It was tasty.  Of course it was mixed with yummy vegetables (summer squash, carrots, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, garlic, tomatoes, spinach & onions) with spiral noodles - which I scarfed down again. It really is getting easier!  Tonight's dinner was a hit for me!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 17 (Thursday, June 6th)

Tonight we had the pear salad again, but I couldn't eat cause I was making a cake for a friend all night - so needless to say I made myself too busy to eat.  Last night didn't sleep well, because our dog was sick and I also woke up very early to go to work and went to bed late so the body isn't happy in many ways. Goodnight!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Eat to Live - Day 16 (Wednesday, June 5th)

We didn't make it to the grocery store tonight because I was meeting a friend to watch a movie.  Before I left I had toast and all natural peanut butter, which I found out had sugar in it.  I guess we can't touch that anymore.  When I go to my friends house I usually have a glass of red wine, but during the first 6 weeks it's off limits.  Trust me in 4 weeks that will be the first thing I add back in.